Sunday, May 18, 2008

World Pork Expo

Trade shows are a great way to meet new people, and reconnect with old friends. Coming up on June 5-7 you have the next big agriculture related trade show - The World Pork Expo. Thousands of exhibitors and other interested parties will be converging upon Iowa to celebrate an interest in the other white meat.
I will be attending (although not exhibiting this year) and looking forward to meeting many of you. If you are an industry professional serving or working with the pork industry, I'd love to meet up with you. I'll be carting around the event on Thursday June 5th, and possibly June 6th. Look forward to meeting you there!

Many of you consider it no problem when it comes to connecting with others. Some of us still need a little help. Here is some advice from Keith Ferrazzi, the networking guru that might help you out. Happy Networking at the the World Pork Expo!

1 comment:

John Blue said...

Hi Mark,

I will not be at the World Pork Expo, but my associate Ned Arthur will be there doing interviews for Feel free to send him a note to connect during Expo:

John Blue