Monday, June 16, 2008

Do you buy your own technology for work?

Interesting article on the business section of USA Today for 6/16/2008:

Question to Aggie-Lance blog readers: Do you purchase your own technology that gets used for personal and business use? As a result, do you feel more inclined (perhaps justified) to do both freelance and full time work at overlapping times?

By Michelle Kessler, USA TODAY
"Many employees — frustrated that their companies are unwilling to pay for the laptops, cellphones and other electronic devices that they want on the road — are spending their own money to get them.

Nearly 40% of professionals recently surveyed by researcher In-Stat paid for a laptop that they regularly carried. Cellphone users often picked up their bill. And company-provided personal digital assistants (PDAs), cameras and Global Positioning Systems (GPS) are relatively rare, says the survey, released Monday."

Businesses say they must carefully choose which electronics to provide for employees because they're expensive. A BlackBerry e-mail device with one year of service costs around $1,400. "

Full article:

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